Sunday, October 20, 2013

Making It Personal

Week 4
Day 1
Making It Personal

We are taking two weeks for this theme because it is so vital to Upward Training.   Our goal is to help you develop a plan to train yourself toward godliness (1 Timothy 4:7).  Below are the categories that we are using to help us make it personal.  Remember, these are not meant to limit  us but to free us to be who God made
us to be, and understand why we are the way we are.  This also helps us live with one another as we better understand what has shaped the others we share our lives with. 

Spiritual Pathways
We introduced these last week.  
Life Shapers
These are the key elements of your life that have shaped you into who you are today.  We have been shaped, influenced, by our good and bad experiences, key people, family upbringing, local culture, etc. 
Learning Style
The truth is that we all learn differently.   Realizing this can be very liberating!  God has the same vision of growth for us all, even if we don’t all get there the same way
We are not all the same personality.  We are actually all individuals, but certain personality types have been identified that can be very helpful in understanding ourselves and others.
Stage of Life
Your stage of life can have a significant effect on your spiritual training plan.  A simple example could be the difference between the mother of 2 preschool children and a senior who is retired.  They both need to train themselves for godliness.  But the differences in their stages of life will result in different approaches to training.  Some of the factors that impact our stage of life: 

Signature Sins
Precisely because you are uniquely you, you wrestle with a unique set of temptations and sin patterns.  Being aware of what these are and why can be very helpful in understanding how to best train yourself toward godliness.

How can reflecting upon these categories help you in your training toward godliness?  

Prayer: Reflecting specifically on this devotional, write out a prayer to God. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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